
Bonobo Song

David Rovics
Lingua: Inglese

David Rovics

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Con il medesimo argomento si veda Bonobo power

  This bonobo is doing what you think it's doing (Credit: blickwinkel/Alamy Stock Photo)
This bonobo is doing what you think it's doing (Credit: blickwinkel/Alamy Stock Photo)
There are lots of different monkeys on this lovely planet Earth
There are long ones, there are little ones, there are monkeys wide of girth
There are monkeys that live in trees and those that live in mountain streams
There are those that soak in hot springs, getting lost in their day dreams
But then there are the monkeys who live the way I'd like to do
And I want to be a bonobo with you

There are monkeys who solve problems by forming gangs and swinging sticks
Where the biggest, meanest male is the one the girl picks
But then there are the monkeys who never find the need to fight
Who find time only for affection and the occasional love bite
Those are the monkeys who live the way I want to do
And I want to be a bonobo with you

Bonobos wake up in the morning, greet each other with a kiss
Gather berries, make love and pursue a life of monkey bliss
They only greet a stranger in the most welcoming way
In every combination, that's how they meet the day
Those are the monkeys who live the way I want to do
And I want to be a bonobo with you

inviata da donquijote82 - 27/1/2014 - 15:58

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