
I Wanna Go Home

Samantha Murphy
Lingua: Inglese

Samantha Murphy

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Lyrics & Music by Samantha Murphy
Album: Somewhere Between Starving & Stardom


Song about disliking your job. I quit my day job and now I LOVE what I do! Full time artist.


boring-meeting display image

I was working a crappy temp job tracking barges and I had to be there at 7 a.m.

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This job's so boring
It's clearly not my calling
It's 7:30 in the morning -and I'm tired

It's so frustrating
This uniform -is so degrading
I spend my evenings -praying I'll get fired

You have to understand
We're working for the man

I wanna go home
Read rolling stone
Eat a big snack
Take a long nap
Smoke cigarettes
Have no regrets
Leave me alone
I wanna go home...

I've been a gopher
A pissed off cheaufur
A telemarketer
A pinup Barbie -in a poster

I've kissed their asses
and I'm passed it
Dirty bastards
Paying us peanuts
and our mouths shut..

You have to understand
It's all part of their plan..

I wanna go home
Talk on the phone
Play my guitar
Stare at the stars

Dance in the rain
I'm going insane
Leave me alone
I wanna go home...

You have to understand
We're working for the man
It's not part of God's plan...

I wanna go home
Read rolling stone
Eat a big snack
Take a long nap

Smoke cigarettes
Have no regrets
Leave me alone..

I wanna go home
Talk on the phone
Play my guitar
Stare at the stars

Dance in the rain
I'm going insane
Leave me alone
I wanna go home.

I wanna go home..

inviata da giorgio - 1/5/2013 - 10:31

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