
Love Is the Common Ground

Rod MacDonald
Lingua: Inglese

Rod MacDonald

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If money is power
why can't it buy passion?
if might is power
why can't it stop these dreams?
if truth is power
then truth leads to knowledge
knowledge to wisdom
and wisdom to peace

Love is the common ground
the place we stand together
here's the truth I've found
love is the common ground

And when we teach the children
who we are and what we know
we're the ones who must remember
each of us is born
naked to the boundaries
and the fears of our teachers
so let the children teach us
to share the warmth of the sun

It's not a simple journey
don't know when we'll meet again
here's one thing I'll carry with me
in memory of you, my friend

Love is the common ground
the place we stand together
here's the truth I've found
love is the common ground

inviata da Bartleby - 17/5/2011 - 09:24

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