
When I Was Young

David Kilpatrick
Lingua: Inglese

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Lyrics & Music by David Kilpatrick

"I wrote this song, with a tune derived from central European traditions, around about 1970 - many years before the wars in the Balkans. I found it in a folder of teenage jottings".
When I was young, boy
When I was young..
A different song was sung, boy
A different song was sung.
It echoed from the mountains
Down into our valleys low.
And now it's gone, boy
Where all good songs must go.
..And now it's gone, boy
Where all good songs must go.

When I was young, boy
When I was young..
A different race was run, boy
A different race was run.
We ran across the mountains high
And through our valleys low..
But where we'll run now
I'm sure I'll never know,
Where we'll run now
I'm really I'll never know.

[Instrumental verse]

When I was young, boy
When I was young..
A different war was fought -and
A different war was won
They came down from the mountains
Into our valleys low..
But quite who won, boy
I'm sure we'll never know,
And quite who won, boy
I'm sure we'll never know.

[First verse repeat]

inviata da giorgio - 7/12/2010 - 08:12

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