
Manvi chante péyi-m

Atis Indepandan

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Dall’album “Haiti: Ki Sa Pou-N Fe?” (Haiti: What is to Be Done?), Folkways (Paredon) Records, 1975.


“Here is the Haiti never seen in the tour guides. When the people at last control the wealth of our country, it wlll he a paradise. Meanwhile, we choose to sing of the realities, we use the form created by the balladeers who go from town to town amusing and educating the people with his satirical songs, because it is easy for the people to take them up. Usually sung by one person, the songs speak for many.” (introduzione al brano dal libretto che accompagna il disco)
Si-m louvri bouch mouin. sé pa
ka pou diòlè mouin fè-l
Si-m louvri bouch mouin, manvi chante péyi-m

Pou-m ralé li lan dòmi
fè-l oué plé-l ki plin java
ak tèt li ki plin lota
ak dèyè-l plin kourandé

lan pèyi-m la li-n grizon
solèy-la gin mal mouton o
sou do youn pil kay krazé
sou tèt youn ban-n maléré

Si-m louvri bouch mouin. sé pa
ka pou diòlè mouin fè-l
Si-m louvri bouch mouin, manvi chante péyi-m

Tout pié boua ta ka gin flè
kap donnin sou tout chimin
kap tonbé kunkou la pli
Si péyi-m pat lan dòmi

Tout pié boua ta ka gin flè
kap donnin sou tout chimin
kap tonbé kunkou la pli
jou péyi-m pat lan dòmi

Si-m louvri bouch mouin. sé pa
ka pou diòlè mouin fè-l
Si-m louvri bouch mouin, manvi chante péyi-m

Mouin di youn jou ma louvri bouch mouin
Sè yo ka fè diolè lè sa-a…

inviata da Alessandro - 1/3/2010 - 14:22

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese dal libretto che accompagna il disco.

If I open up my mouth,
It will not be to speak nonsense.
If I open up my mouth,
I will want to sing of my country.

To wake her out of her sleep,
Make her see that her feet are full of sores,
Her scalp diseased and covered with scabs,
And her clothes are dirty and ragged.

If I open up my mouth,
It will not be to speak nonsense.
If I open up my mouth,
I will want to sing of my country.

In my country, the moon does not shine,
And the sun lies sick and pale.
Over the roofs of the tattered huts.
On the backs of the teeming poor.

If I open up my mouth,
It will not be to speak nonsense.
If I open up my mouth,
I will want to sing of my country.

All the trees will blossom.
Their flowers will fall on every road,
And shower down like rain
When my country finally awakens.

If I open up my mouth,
It will not be to speak nonsense.
If I open up my mouth,
I will want to sing of my country.

inviata da Alessandro - 1/3/2010 - 14:24

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