
The Times They Are a-Raving

The Anti-Nuclear Songbook
Langue: anglais

Peut vous intéresser aussi...

The H-Bomb's Thunder
(John Brunner)
Pinhead Wizz Kid
(The Anti-Nuclear Songbook)

Tune: The Times They Are A-Changin'

Tim, Northa erland.

Beware of a movement that sings!

The Nuclear Songbook

All popular social movements have used song to express their grievances, to make propaganda, to bring people closer together, and the anti-nuclear movement is no exception. Words and music are two ways people communicate, and In combination they can create a tremendous amount of energy and feeling, which sustain and strengthen our efforts for change.

This collection is largely made up of songs and carols to tunes that at least one of your circle of friends should know. They were written by activists involved in the struggle against nuclear energy and nuclear weapons over the last six or seven years. The two exceptions, coming from the early 60s, are H-Bombs Thunder, which deserves the grand title of the "anti-Bomb anthem", and the Worker's Bomb, which was dedicated to those many leftists who thought nuclear weapons were compatible with socialism. There seem to be less of them around today. Also included are five original pieces from the Fall-Out Marching Band, whose music has turned many a demonstration Into a celebration on the streets. We had far too many songs to publish them all at a reasonable price, so we've probably missed one or two of your favourites.

The songs deal with both nuclear weapons and nuclear power. The nuclear chain is a long series of horrors from the destruction of aboriginal lands by uranium mining right through to ballistic missiles, power stations and radioactive waste dumping. We must stop It all. Lastly, books are for reading, and songs are for singing: they need voices to bring them alive. At demonstrations and festivals, In a hard meeting, or in door-to-door carol singing—that's where these songs belong. Sing On!

Come gather round people from Jesmond to Rome
And wait for the slaughter to land in your home
Accept it that soon you'll be charred to the bone
Cos there's no telling where that they're aiming
So paint all your windows and rip off your doors
Cos the times they are a raving

Come mothers and fathers now don't get too wise
If you don't understand then you can't criticise
And you won't give a monkey's when you vaporise
And the old world is rapidly blazing
So fill up your freezers with tons of pork pies
Cos the times they are a raving

Come vicars and businessmen down in your holes
Living off frogs legs and used toilet rolls
Let's hope that the fallout eats into your souls
'Cos there's no bugger else that you're saving
Let's send them as horserneat to feed up the Poles
Cos the times they are a raving

Come military government under the ground
Just please don't believe that you'll never be found
Cos we'll see you in hades this time around
When your nasty old bunkers all cave in
So put out the cat and have granny put clown
Cos the times they are a raving

Come out Maggie Thatcher from under your bed
And don't underestimate what I've just said
There'll be no-one to fight for when we're all dead
And nobody there to be blaming
And some of us here would prefer to be red
Cos the times they are a raving

envoyé par Ibrahim - 6/5/2018 - 21:01

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