

Lingua: Inglese


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Ulrike Meinhof was Red Army Faction founder and left wing author; Contains a sample from the song "Can't Help Falling in Love With You" performed by Elvis

You sometimes wonder and you sometimes wonder
Ten thousand Deutschmarks to hand me over
Oh you sometimes wonder and you sometimes wonder
You can make a living sometimes wondering
Don't think these bones can be sold when I'm long gone
Don't think that I should want to sell my soul for the Sundays
Don't wait for me to say I'm sorry--I won't
Who wants to be a green MP? I don't

Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Don't think I walked into banks to stand in the queue
Don't think I pressed up to the plexi-glass just to talk to you
Don't wait for me to say I'm sorry - I won't
Who wants to be a green MP? - I don't

inviata da dq82 - 25/5/2015 - 11:40

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