
El club de las mujeres muertas

Víctor Manuel
Lingua: Spagnolo

Víctor Manuel

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El perro del garaje

A las que se rebelan, no se callan
las humildes y las mansas
las que imaginan cosas imposibles
el derecho a ser felices

A las que viven solas pisoteadas
las que ya no esperan nada
a las desamparadas olvidadas
a las que caen y se levantan

Cuantas vidas humilladas
cuantas lágrimas calladas
lo más triste es la tristeza
en el club de las mujeres muertas

A veces porque miran, porque callan
porque piensan se delatan
a veces porque cuentan, por que lloran
o porque no entienden nada

Hay quien perdona todo a quien las mata
por un beso, una mirada
hay quien lo espera todo, de quien aman
y no pierden la esperanza

Cuantas vidas humilladas
cuantas lágrimas calladas
lo más triste es la tristeza
en el club de las mujeres muertas

Quemadas, arrastradas por los pelos
torturadas, devastadas
violadas legalmente, apuñaladas
algún juez las mira y pasa

Dicen que tienen celos y se nublan
que no saben lo que hicieron
y cuando beben dicen no ser ellos
yo soy yo más este infierno

Cuantas vidas humilladas
cuantas lágrimas calladas
lo más triste es la tristeza
en el club de las mujeres muertas

2/11/2014 - 22:11

Lingua: Inglese

English version by BorikuaTainoGuerrero

Album: El Perro del Garaje/The Garage Dog.
Singer: Victor Manuel

* This one here is a crude but very important song against female violence. Female violence should not be tolerated under any circumstance and should always be repudiated by everyone anywhere. Thank you for listening.

Long live females everywhere!

To the rebel women, that do not stay shut
to the humble and to the meek
to those who imagine impossible things
to their right of being happy

For all of those living alone and being trampled
to those who do not expect anything
to those helpless and forgotten
to those who fall and rise

How many humiliated lives
how many silent tears
the saddest thing is the sadness
in the club of dead women

Sometimes because they look, because are silent
because they think themselves away
sometimes because they tell, because they cry
or do not understand anything

There are some who forgive it all to those who kill
for just a kiss, for just a glance
There are some who expect it all from those whom they love
and never lose their hope

How many humiliated lives
how many silent tears
the saddest thing is the sadness
in the club of dead women

Burned, dragged by the hair
tortured, torned
legally raped, stabbed
some judge looks at this and let it be

They say they are just jealous and that they are clouded
that they do not know what they did
and when they drink, they claim not to be themselves
"I am no longer living this hell"

How many humiliated lives
how many silent tears
the saddest thing is the sadness
in the club of dead women.

inviata da BorikuaTainoGuerrero - 3/11/2014 - 09:07

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