
How Many People

Paul McCartney
Lingua: Inglese

Paul McCartney

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“How Many People” is a track from 1989 album “Flowers In The Dirt“. Written in Jamaica while on holiday – hence the reggae feel to it -, first recorded in the studio in January 1988, it was “dedicated to the memory of Chico Mendez, Brazillian Rain Forest Campainer” in the booklet of “Flowers In The Dirt” released in June 1989.

How Many People (song)
How Many People
Stand In A Line?
How Many People
Never Get A Chance To Shine?
If You Can Tell Me
I'll Gladly Listen
How Many People Have Died?
One Too Many Right Now For Me
I Want To Be Happy
I Want To Be Free
One Too Many Tight Now For Me
I Want To See Ordinary People Living Peacefully.
How Many People
Go For A Ride
How Many People
Never Make It Through To The Other Side?
If You Can Tell Me
I'll Gladly Listen
How Many People Have Cried?
One Too Many Right Now For Me
I Want To Be Happy
I Want To Be Free
One Too Many Tight Now For Me
I Want To See Ordinary People Living Peacefully.
How Many People
Will I Take?
How Many People
For Goodness Sake?
How Many People?
How Many People?
One Too Many ...

inviata da DonQuijote82 - 6/9/2010 - 16:39

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