
The Lazy Dog

Malvina Reynolds
Lingua: Inglese

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Words and music by Malvina Reynolds.

Testo trovato su Broadside Magazine n.73 dell’agosto 1966.

“Lazy Dog” (“Cane Pigro”, nel fantasioso quanto agghiacciante gergo militare) è il nome dell’antenata delle attuali bombe a frammentazione (cluster bombs). Progettata all’inizio della seconda guerra mondiale da un pool di imprese belliche (Delco Products Corporation, F&F Mold and Die Works Inc., Haines Designed Products e Master Vibrator Company), fu testata e sviluppata durante la guerra di Corea ed il conflitto in Vietnam.
(fonte: en.wikipedia)
Well they call it the Lazy Dog,
And they call it the Lazy Dog;
It's the name of a bomb
We use in Vietnam
And they call it the Lazy Dog.

It has ten thousand slivers of steel,
As sharp as a razor's edge;
It's dropped by the loads,
And when it explodes
It cuts human flesh to shreds.

Well they call it the Lazy Dog,
And they call it the Lazy Dog;
It's the name of a bomb
We use in Vietnam
And they call it the Lazy Dog.

Well it's some kind of human brain
That's conceived of such a device.
And it's some kind of brain
That gave it a name
So friendly and easy and nice.

Well they call it the Lazy Dog,
And they call it the Lazy Dog;
It's the name of a bomb
We use in Vietnam
And they call it the Lazy Dog.

Well American boys are told
They are killing, not men but Reds,
And all that they drop
Is a Lazy Dog
That cuts human flesh to shreds.

And they call it the Lazy Dog,
And they call it the Lazy Dog;
It's the name of a bomb
We use in Vietnam
And they call it the Lazy Dog.

inviata da Alessandro - 9/6/2009 - 14:39

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