
Canzoni contro la guerra di ÜberPlebs

Malgrado il nome decisamente tedeschizzante, gli ÜberPlebs (ovvero "Ultraplebei") sono inglesi, dell'Essex. Così si presentano, da:


The ÜberPlebs produce political commentary via the medium of hip hop beats.
We are fully committed to the downfall of both President George W Bush and Prime Minister Anthony Blair.

The ÜberPlebs began about a year ago and was formed by three like minded musicians with the view to entertain and inform interested individuals about some of the key conspiracies surrounding the turn of the 21st century. All the samples that we use and all of our vocals are referring to events that have either taken place, or have influenced the events concerned. We are only asking that if you like you share and thus we all become happier and more informed. Thanks for listening.