Anna Fisher

Chansons contre la Guerre de Anna Fisher


Recording Artist/Producer/Composer and Elementary Educator. Have worked with children since young. Managing the Winston-Salem Youth Symphony lead me to accept a position teaching Elementary Music on St. John, USVI. After 10 years moved to Big Island of Hawaii where I substituted for Hawaii State Dept of Ed and taught as an adjunct professor at UH-Hilo's Na Pua No Eau Center for Gifted and Talented Native Hawaiian Children. Moved to Los Angeles with my two children (born on St. Thomas, USVI) in 1995 to promote my first CD, "Renaissance In Formation". In 1996, accepted a position to teach Kindergarten in the inner city of Los Angeles. Have been there ever since, now teaching in a brand new school (4th yr of 27). Still keep in touch with former students and my own teachers (those still living) and fellow classmates. Can say I am the proud mother of two, my daughter 24 graduated from Boalt Hall School of Law at UC Berkeley last year and is a legal associate at a big firm in Washington, DC on Penn Ave. My son 18, accepted at Harvard, Stanford and MIT was the Valedictorian for his Senior Class at his graduation this year on St. John, USVI and is a sophomore at Stanford University planning to double major in Management in Engineering and Philosophy! Just released my first solo CD since 2004, FOCUS, now on i-tunes and CDBaby: Please call your favorite radio stations and request it, each call represents 10,000 callers to the station.

Anna Fisher and Jawge Hughes began rehearsing for the road in October 2004. However, they've collaborated ever since they met each other at Joe Higgs New Years Eve Show in 1998 at Leimert Park in Los Angeles. While discussing where Jawge was from on St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Anna explained that she had been the Elementary Music Teacher for St. John Public Schools for 10 years and actually taught his cousins (Richards Family of St. John) for many years. As we start naming names we realized we knew so many of the same people and vowed to return one day. Many of his fondest memories from youth contained visits to St. John for family gatherings and summer vacations away from the urban environment of the housing development he returned home to each night. We unreservedly present you our dream for balance in the world hoping that this music will build those dreams of youth into clearer focus. We both had heard, "Do what you love and the money will follow!" To which we all thought was a beautiful standard to live by. We love it, it was a labor of love from beginning to end.
Your influences?
Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson and The Jackson Five, Third World Band, Steel Pulse, Luciano, Beres Hammond, Dean Fraser, Calton Coffie, Ed Townsend, Ali Woodsen, Al Wison, Chaka Khan, Diana Ross and The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, Barbara Morrison, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Mary Martin, Julie Andrews, Basia, The Beatles, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Cat Stevens, Carole King, Horace Silver, Kevin Eubanks, Cuba Gooding, Sr., Lui Lui Satterfield, Rick James, Tina & Ike Turner, Whoopi Goldberg, Ellen Degeneres, Jay Leno, David Letterman, Carson Daley, Conan O'Brien.
Favorite spot?
Utopia, there's no place I really didn't enjoy living in my life.
Equipment used:
Anything with a chip.
Anything else...?
Words cannot describe this music.
Only your heart can.
Spread love.
Give thanks to Jah Almighty,
for health and strength and for my precious family and you! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX