Randy Gould

Chansons contre la Guerre de Randy Gould

While singing and playing for fellow students in the echoing stairwell of a college dorm in the mid-seventies, Randy discovered his true "calling"...playing music. Soon thereafter, he left school and began playing music full-time.

Over the next ten years, Randy performed solo, played in the folk trio Three's A Crowd, and rocked in the band Alibi. During that time, he wrote many songs and recorded "You Are the Lady" in 1978 on A-Frame Records. When he and his wife were expecting their first child in 1985, he left music and went back to complete his teaching degree; he has spent the past 20 years as a teacher and a principal. In 1995, an old friend visited Randy, carrying with him a 4-track recorder. This visit hurled him into a long period of writing and recording, rejuvenating a long-hibernating passion that he had for music. During the few years that followed, Randy wrote numerous songs, ranging greatly in content… the reflections of a young girl's experiences living through the Holocaust, the tale of a comic constable in a small Maine town, and a song dedicated to anyone who longs to go south during winters in the Northeast. Slowly, though, the inspiration faded away as life's commitments prevailed. Not until December of 2005 did the spark hit once again. Beginning with an attempt to digitalize his 1990's songs and to get them onto a CD, Randy sought to share his songs with others. Over the past two years, he has written many more songs, 13 of which are on a new CD, "Hold On To Your Dreams" and ten more on a soon to be released project. With great depth and honesty, this new material offers Randy's occasionally jaded perspective on society, government, and religion as well as his comment on the realities of relationships and the importance of holding onto our dreams. Randy has no aspirations of becoming rich or famous; although, he says that he sometimes wonders what that life would be like. What he wants is simply to share his thoughts, his stories, his songs with as many people as possible. "Maybe something that I have written", he explains, "will touch someone, and, to me, that is the greatest reward in music."

Over the last two of years, he has written what is very close to another CD's worth of songs, his third batch. There is no clear theme in the lot, and the songs' topics range from unrequited love, to loss, to anti-war. "I'm partial to this project, probably because these are my newest "babies" but also perhaps because I have become more comfortable with what I want to say. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to write songs to help me deal with the world."

The Eagles, Beatles, Jackson Browne, JT, Jonathan Edwards, and Dan Fogelberg to name just a few...
Equipment used:
Taylor 6 strings, Alvarez 6 and 12 strings, Fender Strat, Ibanez electric, Yamaha keyboard, Korg workstation, Power Tracks, Audacity, Magix Audio Cleaner, SM57 and Shure Beta mics.

Anything else...?
For better or worse, with the exception of the awesome sax solo performed wonderfully by David Turner on "Dark Distant Road", all vocals and instrument tracks on these songs are me.

NEWS: "I am very excited that “Haven’t We Learned” is now on Neil Young’s website Living With War Today and that it may soon provide the audio for an upcoming anti-war short. Also, thanks to Triplestrand Productions, "Chase All Your Blues Away" is hitting the radio airwaves in the Netherlands, France, and New Zealand. "

Contact: Randy Gould Gouldsr@adelphia.net
MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/randykgould