Ed Billeaud

Chansons contre la Guerre de Ed Billeaud

Ed Billeaud [pron. bilyo], based in Breckenridge (CO), is a solo recording artist, long-time songwriter, musician, and audio engineer, trying to use the power of music to raise awareness and inspire others to make a positive difference, with their life and through their art.
Over the past ten years or so, he has completed and self-released five solo albums, and is working on another one.
His style is mostly Classic Protest Folk-Rock. He tends to address what he considers to be the larger themes of our existence, rather than writing from a first-person or fictional perspective, or writing about partying, fast cars, girls, etc. (of course, there is a place for those things, but there are plenty of songs like that already, yes?)
Although he has worked with many "big names" and Grammy winners as a live-sound engineer, he writes, plays, and record all my original music by himself, for better or worse.

The usual suspects: Dylan, Lennon, Neil Young, Jackson Brown, Phil Ochs, Joni, Pink Floyd, Cat Stevens, The Beatles, Steve Earle, and others who use their music to try and effect a positive change in the world.
Ed says: "I truly believe we as Artists have a responsibility to use our talents to try to improve the situation for all living beings on this planet, not just for mere entertainment.."