Gold Mass

Canzoni contro la guerra di Gold Mass
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Gold MassEmanuela Ligarò, in arte GOLD MASS, scrive e produce musica elettronica in maniera autonoma e indipendente. Lo fa coniugando un’ evidente capacità di modellazione elettronica del suono e una scrittura che valorizza voce, ritmo e melodia. L’abilità nella cura dei suoni deriva dal suo particolare percorso di studi e lavorativo: laurea in Fisica con una specialistica in Acustica Sperimentale e successivo impiego nel campo dell’ingegneria acustica applicata all’automotive.


I am a songwriter and my name is GOLD MASS.

My music has a dark and intimate soul. There’s no malice nor superficiality in the creative moment. There’s not even the thought of an audience. Writing for me is first of all an intimate act, there is nothing else, there is no one else.

My songs are always born out of a tension that I need to express in words and sounds. I only write about things that I live. That’s my way of understanding what I feel and emancipating myself from it. Only then I feel released.

Some say art is an exorcism, music is a big prayer. I believe this is true.
It’s not just a matter of passion, writing music is a powerful therapy. And when it’s done, it keeps you the sweetest company. It may even become entertainment for someone else who resonates with it. It’s a fascinating communication cycle.