Kash Nexus
Kash Nexus or Ka$h Nexu$, Four guys from Melbourne, Australia – their music reflects their desire to fight for the truth. They write about Antiwar, Refugee crisis and social issues, with a penchant for hard rocking folk, blues and alternate tunes that pertain to the plight of exploited people everywhere.
They strive to write truly meaningful and heartfelt songs about the human condition. When they play live gigs our music is enthusiastically received by all age groups. They are getting thousands of hits from far flung corners of the globe because our messages resonate wherever you are.
Humanity’s needs are simple – a unified and harmonious planet.
Steve Pollock: Lead Vocals
Mick Seymour: Electric rhythm and lead guitar, vocals.
Ross Crawford: Bass, acoustic and electric rhythm guitar, vocals.
Greg Martin: Percussion, Lead vocals, acoustic rhythm and lead guitar
Ka$h Nexu$ are middle aged men…. on a musical mission !

Extra members:
• Annie Reeves: Harmony vocals
• Carlos Ramsey: Mandolin