Anita McKone

Chansons contre la Guerre de Anita McKone

AnitaI was born in 1969 and grew up in Canberra, Australia. My husband Robert J. Burrowes and I live in Daylesford, Victoria (and sometimes Melbourne) and we are both lifetime nonviolent activists and researchers. We study the nature of violence and nonviolence and have a particular interest in the deep psychological/emotional processes that help us to face, feel and remove the fear, powerlessness and self-hatred in our minds.

We believe in the unity of all life and have taken many nonviolent actions in accordance with this belief on issues related to peace, the environment and social justice. My acts of conscience (including a very personally challenging nonviolent action around the issue of my mother’s violence) have led to me being arrested seven times and imprisoned on four occasions. Each time I have been imprisoned, I have fasted (for four weeks on one occasion) until I received organically grown, vegetarian wholefood.