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I Know

I Know
Album: Notes & Rhymes
You'd lay your life down for this country
14/3/2020 - 16:29
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Blood on Your Hands

Blood on Your Hands
Lyrics & Music by Charlie and Craig Reid
Album: Born Innocent

« I am not shaking your hand Mr Blair. You have got blood on it ».

This was said by a bereaved father after the ex-Prime Minister was criticised by the Archbishop of Canterbury at an Iraq remembrance ceremony.
It is clear that many in England have a low regard for Tony Blair. Yet in Malaysia he was welcomed and given the honour to give a talk on social issues to Malaysians.
When he was Prime Minister, Blair got the British Parliament to support war against Iraq by telling lies about the so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction. Very soon after it was revealed that he had cooked up the intelligence report so that he could support his co-liar, George Bush, President of the United States.
The war that they unleashed on Iraq has caused the death of more than 100,000 Iraqis, wounded many more and devastated that highly... (continuer)
There's blood on your hands from somewhere new
envoyé par giorgio 15/11/2012 - 08:47
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Lyrics & Music by Charlie and Craig Reid
Album: Life With You

Dedicated to Tony Blair.

Thousands sign no Tony Blair comeback letter

War criminals like Tony Blair not welcome in our universities...
Your prose is elegant
envoyé par giorgio 12/11/2012 - 08:24
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Album "Restless Soul"
Warmongers, kill yourselves
envoyé par Alessandro 20/2/2010 - 10:20
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Letter From America

Letter From America
Album “This Is the Story”

Nell’album di debutto dei gemelli Charlie e Craig Reid di Leith, Scozia, c’è questa canzone dedicata alla lunga storia di emigrazione subita dal popolo scozzese fin dalle “Highland Clearances” del 18° e 19° secolo, quando i landlords costrinsero i contadini delle Highlands ad abbandonare le loro terre e ad emigrare (nelle Lowlands, ma più spesso verso il nord America e l’Australia) perché volevano convertirle ad attività più redditizie, come l’allevamento delle pecore. Le espulsioni di massa furono “incoraggiate” con l’offerta di modeste somme di denaro ma più spesso furono brutalmente attuate con la forza, e non si fermarono nemmeno quando nel 1846 scoppiò la “Potato Famine” che decimò la popolazione residua e indusse anche gli irriducibili a levare le tende.

All’inizio del 20° secolo nelle Scottish Highlands c’erano molte più pecore che persone…
Il carnaio della prima guerra mondiale diede il colpo di grazia…
When you go will you send back
envoyé par Alessandro 8/2/2010 - 12:06

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