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Auteur Little Beirut

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Love During Wartime

"Little Beirut" è il nome dato dallo staff di Bush Sr. alla cità di Portland, Oregon, a causa della "calorosa" accoglienza che gli fu riservata dai suoi cittadini durante una visita dell'allora presidente all'inizio degli anni '90.

"Love during wartime" è una ironica canzone d'amore dedicata a Condoleezza Rice, il "mastino nero" dell'attuale presidente George W. Bush

Dal sito della band:

Tying into the Bush-coined name of the band, Little Beirut tackles the younger Bush’s administration, namely Condoleezza Rice, with a love song entitled “Love During Wartime”.
“’Love During Wartime’,” explains vocalist Hamilton Sims, “is a jab at the war and the goings on of the Bush administration. But it’s also a jab at the fact that in order for [Rice] to become the most powerful woman in the history of U.S. politics, she had to be completely desexualized to make it okay. Hence why a love song to her seems so absurd.”
Oh my babe
envoyé par Alessandro 11/3/2008 - 08:18

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