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Auteur Otep

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Shelter in Place

Shelter in Place
Album: Kult 45

Otep wrote “Shelter In Place” about her strong opinion of the modern NRA, believing it has “regressed into something akin to a homegrown terrorist organization that benefits from mass murders both financially and as a political power.”

The official video includes a quote from the NRA at the beginning :

the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun
- NRA : American Terrorist Organization
Shelter in place
30/9/2019 - 12:35
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Halt Right

Halt Right
Album: Kult 45

Se a cavallo del nuovo millennio la politica è stata spesso al centro della musica, dal crossover al punk, l’era Trump sembra aver nuovamente risvegliato la coscienza critica di molti artisti, a partire dai redivivi Otep, tornati in attività due anni fa con “Generation Doom” dopo un temporaneo scioglimento di tre anni. A partire dalla copertina, raffigurante la statua della Libertà insanguinata e armata, “Kult 45” si propone come un grido di protesta verso la politica USA e si accoda al movimento #metoo, esprimendosi musicalmente con quel linguaggio rap-metal portato alla ribalta negli anni ’90 dai Rage Against The Machine. Se dalle note biografiche apprendiamo che l’ottavo album degli Otep si propone di rinverdire i fasti dell’indimenticato debutto “Sevas Tra”, al punto che gli strumenti usati per registrarlo sono gli stessi dell’epoca, alla prova dei fatti pezzi... (continuer)
Put up your fists and
30/9/2019 - 12:27
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To the Gallows

To the Gallows
Album: Kult 45

“Art is resistance. Art allows us to fightback without violence. This song, “To the Gallows”, is meant to shine a light on Traitor Trump’s attacks on the Constitution, on Healthcare, on the LGBTQ+, the African American, Hispanic and Muslim communities, DREAMERS, and women’s reproductive rights. Not to mention that this spurious President might have committed just a little bit of light treason, but this is why we rally, this is why we march, and this is why I write. Because when I look back someday I want to know that I did everything in my power as an artist, activist and citizen, to stop him and his bigoted embryonic autocracy.”
This is a song for the heretics
30/9/2019 - 11:24
Parcours: Donald Trump
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Lords of War

Lords of War

Album Generation Doom

'Lords Of War' is a cry of defiance against the ever-encroaching military industrial complex, against police brutality, against tyranny in politics, against CAFOs, against the injustices our people face on a daily basis. Revolution is the opiate of the artist. We'd rather be in battle than at peace. We'd rather be a wolf than a sheep. They've had their chance to reign. But this is our time, our moment. We are generation doom."

Blabber Mouth
[Sample: Franklin D. Roosevelt]
26/6/2018 - 23:57
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Album: "The Ascension"
27/1/2013 - 21:46
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Album: House Of Secrets - 2004
envoyé par Sckawt 11/2/2008 - 21:53

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