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Auteur Hurray For The Riff Raff

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Precious Cargo

Precious Cargo
Album: Life on Earth

Segarra non ha evitato completamente la politica. Lo spoken word Precious Cargo racconta la storia di un uomo in un centro di detenzione per migranti, una persona che Segarra ha incontrato lavorando per l’organizzazione Freedom for Immigrants.

La gioia radicale di Hurray for the Riff Raff
Precious cargo at the river
19/2/2022 - 14:55

The Body Electric

The Body Electric
Album: Small Town Heroes

“There is a weaponization of the body happening right now in America. Our bodies are being turned against us. Black and brown bodies are being portrayed as inherently dangerous. A Black person’s size and stature are being used as reason for murder against them.

This is ultimately a deranged fear of the power and capabilities of black people. It is the same evil idea that leads us to blame women for attacks by their abusers. Normalizing rape, domestic abuse and even murder of women of all races is an effort to take the humanity out of our female bodies. To objectify and to ridicule the female body is ultimately a symptom of fear of the power women hold.”

NPR, The Political Folk Song Of The Year
Said you're gonna shoot me down, put my body in the river
22/1/2022 - 19:33

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