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Auteur Ed Newbegin

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An Eye for an Eye

An Eye for an Eye
Lyrics & Music by Ed Newbegin

"This song is about the time of the invasion of Iraq. I got tired of hearing the same old justifications for going to war and the obvious lies that were told to whip up the populace. It sounded all too familiar, and still does.
The secrecy, hubris, and disrespect for the American people are so like the Nixon regime.
I suffered like so many of my fellow countrymen on September 11, but what I took away from that was the feeling of "Enough of the old way. Time for a change". Our President and his inner circle have learned nothing and are more than happy to send our children into another senseless conflict that only promotes violence as a means toward peace. Hey, it worked before, right?"
When I open the paper and I look inside
envoyé par giorgio 26/5/2012 - 17:21

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