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19 86

19 86
Dal EP "Vidlik"
Il testo da Lyrics Translate

Dedicato alle vittime della catastrofe ambientale di Černobyl'
Hypnotized by little things
envoyé par Krzysiek 3/5/2019 - 23:22
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Global Seed Vault

Global Seed Vault
Riccardo Venturi, 03-05-2019 20:11

Some considerations. Humans, who have always been committed to self-destructing and destroying everything that lives on their planet, occasionally notice what they are doing and try to remedy it. Certainly, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a very important, meritorious, extraordinary and intelligent work; but what leaves a bitter taste in the mouth, is that there was a need for such a thing to preserve a natural heritage belonging to everyone, and with "everyone" I mean life in its whole, not only human life but also animal life of any type and life of the plants themselves, because their seeds belong mainly to them. A heritage that some say it was given by Nature itself, others by some form of god or supernatural entity, but which in any case - and this must be pointed out - needs to be protected from nuclear conflicts, aircraft collisions, Arctic ice... (continuer)
3/5/2019 - 20:12
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L'ora d'aria

L'ora d'aria
the letter of a detained, chronicle of a suicide foretold."
envoyé par Dq82 2/5/2019 - 10:35
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Pianeta verde

Pianeta verde
Riccardo Venturi, 27-04-2019 22:02
27/4/2019 - 22:02
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The Coffee Cola Song

The Coffee Cola Song
Canzone divertente, quasi infantile sulla stupidità dell'uomo civilizzato.
There are people in town, man, crazy people in town
envoyé par Donatella Leoni 27/4/2019 - 19:06
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La versione del Socialist Labor Party of America
The version of Socialist Labor Party of America

Di questa antica versione americana, che differisce da tutte le altre storiche in lingua inglese, dà notizia nella sua pagina dedicata all'Internazionale. Fu pubblicata da Labor News Co., 45 Rose St., New York City (S.L.P.) nel 1911; nel 1912 fu pubblicata sul Daily People, all'interno di un editoriale del leader del partito di allora, Daniel De Leon, intitolato The “Damned Men of Toil”. L'autore non è indicato. La versione sembra essere stata associata particolarmente al Socialist Labor Party of America; fondato nel 1876 e ancora in attività, è il secondo partito socialista ancora esistente più vecchio al mondo. La versione fu pubblicata ancora il 26 aprile 1924 dal Weekly People. Una sua ulteriore particolarità è quella di essere intitolata The International... (continuer)
The International
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 27/4/2019 - 10:54
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Poesia facile

Poesia facile
Sonya Gray Redi
InTranslation / Poetry by Dino Campana

Dino Campana (1885-1932) was an innovative Italian poet. His controversial writings are captured in his only published book of poetry, the emotionally intense and visionary Canti Orfici (“Orphic Songs”). The prime Italian example of a poète maudit, Campana battled mental health problems from an early age and spent a great deal of his youth in and out of lunatic asylums and traveling across Europe. An autodidact, he taught himself several languages and became part of the thriving literary scene in Florence. He composed the poems for Canti Orfici sometime between 1906 and 1913, and self-published them in 1914. Shortly after, Campana began a notorious and tumultuous love affair with Sibilla Aleramo, the author of Una donna. In 1918, Campana was admitted to a psychiatric hospital near Florence where he remained until his death in 1932. His remains were given a proper burial in 1946 in a ceremony attended by many Italian intellectuals, including Eugenio Montale and Carlo Bo.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 24/4/2019 - 20:22
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Jag hatar patriarkatet

Jag hatar patriarkatet

Note. The following is no “translation” of the Swedish song, but rather a complete rewriting prepared (and sung) by Jan Hammarlund himself. From: Jan Hammarlund, Alla mina sånger (All my Songs), Skördemåne AB 2005, page 102. [RV]
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 22/4/2019 - 10:51
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McDonald Trump

McDonald Trump
Album Soundtrack To The Struggle 2

In, McDonald Trump, Lowkey is doing what he is most popular for: Calling out the bad politicians. But especially in this one you could see him more vigorous and aggressive than ever. Similar to Obama Nation, Lowkey decides to point out all the negatives in Trump that people might not have noticed yet.


Come McDonald, Trump ti nutre con la spazzatura.
McDonald Trump, Mc-McDonald Trump
22/4/2019 - 00:01
Parcours: Donald Trump
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Long Live Palestine Part 3

Long Live Palestine Part 3
Album Soundtrack To The Struggle 2

Featuring Khaled Siddique, Chaka Bars, Mai Khalil, Frankie Boyle, Ken Loach & Maverick Sabre
Sample: “Cockney Violin”, by Caspa.

L'introduzione è tratta da una poesia del poeta palestinese Mahmud Darwish
[Intro: Frankie Boyle & Chakabars]
21/4/2019 - 23:49
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Soundtrack to the Struggle 2

Soundtrack to the Struggle 2
Featuring Noam Chomsky
Album Soundtrack To The Struggle 2 (2019)
Testo da genius

Soundtrack To The Struggle 2 is the opening song from the album of the same name.

This song focuses on how monetary/corporate greed heavily outweighs the value of human lives in todays society.

The song features an excerpt from a conversation that Lowkey had with renowned philosopher Noam Chomsky, in which Noam explains why civilization is not likely to survive capitalism.

Soundtrack To The Struggle 2 è la traccia d'apertura dall'album dallo stesso nome.

Il tema della canzone è che l'avidita delle imprese e della finanza prevale largamente sul valore della vita umana sulla societa odierna.

La canzone include un estratto da una conversazione che Lowkey ha avuto con il celebre filosofo Noam Chomsky, in cui Noam spiega perché la civilizzazione probabilmente non sopravvivrà al capitalismo.
[Intro: Noam Chomsky, Lowkey]
envoyé par Lorenzo 21/4/2019 - 23:34
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I Took a Walk

I Took a Walk
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Faces"
Testo trovato sul sito ufficiale dell'autore e sul fan site
I took a walk through the fields of America
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 19/4/2019 - 23:35
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Share the Wealth

Share the Wealth
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album "Beyond Here Be Dragons"
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Who do you think you’re foolin’ Ronnie
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 19/4/2019 - 22:49
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Dancing in Survival

Dancing in Survival
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Continuance", pubblicato alla fine del 2017
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"God is going to keep us all at war..."
All of us are waiting and some are just evading,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 19/4/2019 - 22:39

The Southern Side of Heaven

The Southern Side of Heaven
Album: Country Enough (2008)
On April 2nd 1865, confederate forces evacuated their capital, Richmond Virginia
envoyé par Chamcountry 16/4/2019 - 17:05
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A Well Respected Man

A Well Respected Man
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Ray Davies
Album / Albumi: Kwyet Kinks

Diciamoci la verità: tutto sommato, ci saremmo aspettati che, dopo più di cinquant'anni, saremmo tornati alle famiglie tradizionali, ai valori, all'omofobia programmatica e a tutte queste cose che oggigiorno sembrano tornare, possenti, alla ribalta? Mah, non so che dire. Forse sí, un po' c'era da aspettarselo. Ho quindi pensato che non è male andare a rivedersi questo bel “quadretto familiare tradizionale” dipinto dai grandi Kinks nel 1966, e che volutamente non metto affatto tra gli “Extra”. Come sapranno un po' tutti coloro che, oramai, hanno raggiunto e/o oltrepassato una certa età, si tratta -come scrive succintamente ma efficacemente l'altrettanto grande Alberto Truffi nel suo Musica e Memoria, un sito che non esito a definire fondamentale- di “uno dei brani più autenticamente... (continuer)
'Cause he gets up in the morning,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 15/4/2019 - 18:57
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This Is My Land

This Is My Land
Parole e musica / Text och musik
Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique
Sanat ja sävel : Sofia Jannok
Album: ORDA - This Is my Land

"Questa è la mia terra, una terra di pace dove tutti sono uguali e tutti sono benvenuti, tranne quelli che vogliono distruggerla con grandi ferite nelle montagne". Una canzone di pace, ambientalista e di orgoglio della cantante sami Sofia Jannok.

Intro: “The State is of the opinion that the claim put forward by the Sámi reindeer herding community with regards to their long tradition of being engaged in reindeer husbandry, hunting and fishing in the area is of irrelevance to the case. In order to be eligible to claim immemorial prescription, said claim has to be based on a 90 years long use of an area. Any additional use for a longer period of time is of irrelevance to the legality of the claim.” “Because of the claim that it is of importance that... (continuer)
This is my land, this is my country
14/4/2019 - 22:26
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Man With a Gun

Man With a Gun
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Continuance", pubblicato nel 2017
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There’s a man with a gun and he’s got you on the run,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 14:59


Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Perspective"
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America They’re taking your liberty
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 14:49

I’m an American Child (on a Nuclear Pile)

I’m an American Child (on a Nuclear Pile)
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Transcendence"
Testo trovato sul sito ufficiale dell'autore e sul fan site
I was born in Fort Worth, Texas with a silver spoon
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 14:34
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Wailing Wall

Wailing Wall
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Rumplestiltskin’s Resolve"
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A wailing wall
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 14:23
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Mr. President

Mr. President
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Furthermore..."
Testo trovato sul sito ufficiale dell'autore e sul fan site
Great God! What do you see
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 14:09

Ninety Two Years

Ninety Two Years
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Furthermore..."
Testo trovato sul sito ufficiale dell'autore e sul fan site
Ninety two years of progress is beginning to decry the toil
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 14:06
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8500 Years

8500 Years
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album "Collaboration", con Paul Buckmaster e Peter Robinson
Testo trovato sul sito ufficiale dell'autore e sul fan site
For 8500 years it’s churning
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 13:41

For R.F.K., J.F.K., and M.L.K.

For R.F.K., J.F.K., and M.L.K.
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album "Contribution"
Testo trovato sul sito ufficiale dell'autore e sul fan site
On a bright murky Tuesday dawning
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 12:11

Theme From the March on Washington

Theme From the March on Washington
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album "Shawn", riedito l'anno seguente con il titolo "First Impressions"
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Featuring Steve Winwood on piano and Jim Capaldi on drums.

From the lowest prairie to the highest sea
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 11:28
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Doesn't Anybody Know My Name

Doesn't Anybody Know My Name
Una canzone scritta da Rod McKuen e nota nella versione di Waylon Jennings del 1966. Interpretata anche da Shawn Phillips nel suo album d'esordio, "I'm a Loner" (1964)
I've been away so long
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 11:10
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Su comunisti della capitale

Su comunisti della capitale
envoyé par ZugNachPankow 14/4/2019 - 11:06

Nobody Listens

Nobody Listens
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nel suo album d'esordio, "I'm a Loner", pubblicato nel 1965

Una canzone dedicata al grande cabarettista ed autore satirico americano (ed ebreo) ‎Lenny Bruce (1925-1966).
Well the senate's in order, they're callin' the roll
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 10:43
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Song for Northern Ireland

Song for Northern Ireland
Parole e musica di Shawn Phillips
Nell'album intitolato "Furthermore..."
Come to thee, the peace, on a green and lovely island
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/4/2019 - 10:26
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The World Is Rated X

The World Is Rated X
Scritta da Ezra Bolton, Marilyn McLeod, Mel Bolton e Robert Gordy
Una canzone presente in molte compilation successive alla morte di Marvin Gaye, avvenuta nel 1984 per mano del padre Marvin Pentz Gay Sr.
Il brano doveva però fare parte di un album, "You're the Man", che rimase nei cassetti della Motown e che è stato riesumato solo di recente per essere pubblicato lo scorso 29 marzo.
Testo ripreso da Genius
Oh, the world's situation should be Rated X, Rated X
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 13/4/2019 - 23:13

Blood and Bones

Blood and Bones
Songs of our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways, 2019)

Amythyst Kiah, vocals, 5-string banjo, and percussion;
Rhiannon Giddens, backing vocals, minstrel banjo, and percussion;
Allison Russell, percussion;
Jamie Dick, drums and percussion;
Dirk Powell, electric guitar and percussion;
Jason Sypher, bass and percussion

La voce di Kiah diventa ancora protagonista in “Blood and Bones” scritta di suo pugno.

The chorus to this song had been floating around in my head, given life by my voice and banjo, but it didn’t really have a home in a song. I wrote it not long after reading reports and watching videos of white nationalists feeling more confident about asserting their views after the election of Donald Trump in 2016. There’s “not enough steel to reconcile” our humanity and our sense of selves. The verses were inspired by both a photo I saw of a black slave child... (continuer)
Blood and bones are what we're made of
envoyé par Dq82 13/4/2019 - 18:03

Better Git Yer Learnin’

Better Git Yer Learnin’
Songs of our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways, 2019)

Rhiannon Giddens, vocals and minstrel banjo;
Jamie Dick, percussion;
Dirk Powell, fiddle;
Jason Sypher, bass

La melodia di “Better Git Yer Learnin’ è attribuita al banjoista ottocentesco Thomas F. Briggs, ma al testo originario, pieno di luridi stereotipi razzisti, le nostre hanno sostituto liriche considerando il punto di vista di uno schiavo emancipato.

The tune for this song is attributed to the banjo performer Thomas F. Briggs, found in a banjo method book published in 1855 entitled Briggs’ Banjo Instructor. It provides an early glimpse into that first truly American cultural sensation, the minstrel show. These tunes were published with no words, which gave me the opportunity to engage with them as pieces of music with no baggage. After learning quite a few, I braced myself to read the original lyrics,... (continuer)
When I was just a little pick (*)
envoyé par Dq82 13/4/2019 - 17:56

Mama’s Cryin’ Long

Mama’s Cryin’ Long
Songs of our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways, 2019)

Rhiannon Giddens, vocals and handclaps;
Amythyst Kiah, vocals;
Allison Russell, vocals;
Leyla McCalla, vocals;
Jamie Dick, percussion

Il call & response a quattro voci, hand clapping e il battito percussivo di Dick esaltano “Mama’s Cryin’ Long”, portata in stile prison working song, e ispirata a racconti di schiavi: una donna violentata dal suo sorvegliante bianco finisce per ucciderlo; la prospettiva adottata è quella del figlioletto.

This song was inspired by a collection of slave narratives; in the story, a woman, after being repeatedly abused by the overseer, kills him. Nobody knows who has done it until her son is overheard singing a little song about the blood on her dress. It’s very much written from the child’s viewpoint. — RG
Dal libretto dell'album
Mama’s cryin’ long and she can’t get up
envoyé par Dq82 13/4/2019 - 17:46

I Knew I Could Fly

I Knew I Could Fly
Songs of our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways, 2019)

Leyla McCalla, vocals and guitar;
Rhiannon Giddens, minstrel banjo;
Allison Russell, backing vocals;
Dirk Powell, mandolin

L’altra ex Carolina Chocolate Drops, Leyla McCalla, è la lead singer in “I Knew I Could Fly”, tutta voci e corde (chitarra, minstrel banjo e mandolino), dedicata a Etta Baker, chitarrista, esponente del Piedmont blues, la quale abbandonò la sua carriera dopo il matrimonio e nove figli, incidendo solo in età matura, dopo la morte del marito che le aveva impedito di esibirsi.

Alli and I co-wrote the lyrics to this song, thinking of discrimination and how it has shaped our American experience; as we were writing the words, we realized that they could equally apply to the life and legacy of Etta Baker.
I used to practice guitar to Etta Baker’s album Railroad Bill. Etta was a Piedmont blues... (continuer)
I didn’t know why
envoyé par Dq82 13/4/2019 - 17:39

Quasheba, Quasheba

Quasheba, Quasheba
Songs of our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways, 2019)

Allison Russell, vocals and 5-string banjo;
Rhiannon Giddens, backing vocals and min- strel banjo;
Leyla McCalla, cello;
Jamie Dick, drums and percussion;
Dirk Powell, baritone electric guitar;
Jason Sypher, bass

“Quasheba, Quasheba”, firmata da Allison Russell (già con Birds of Chicago e Po’ Girls), è l'esplorazione della sua linea familiare autobiografica indietro fino ai tempi della tratta.

I met my biological father, Michael George, and my paternal family when I was 30 years old. I learned that I am a first-generation Canadian on my father’s side. He was born and raised in Grenada, one of 13 children. I found out that ours is a family that values education deeply. I found out that we have a historian in the family who has traced our line back to an enslaved woman named Quasheba, who was sold off the... (continuer)
Quasheba, Quasheba
envoyé par Dq82 13/4/2019 - 17:22
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John Henry

John Henry
This is the hammer killed John Henry
envoyé par Dq82 12/4/2019 - 11:41

Black Myself

Black Myself
Songs of our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways, 2019)

Amythyst Kiah, vocals and guitar;
Rhiannon Giddens, backing vocals and minstrel banjo;
Leyla McCalla, backing vocals;
Allison Russell, backing vocals;
Jamie Dick, drums and percussion;
Dirk Powell, electric guitar and accordion;
Jason Sypher, bass

Dai versi finali della stessa “John Henry”, nella versione del “musicista delle colline” Sid Hemphill, il bluesman compositore e pluristrumentista registrato da Alan Lomax, arriva il titolo del R&B di apertura, “Black Myself”, scritto da Kiah, la più giovane del quartetto, esponente del alt-country blues, nativa del Tennessee, che lo interpreta con la sua voce soul.

This song was inspired by a line from north Mississippi hill country musician Sid Hemphill’s “John Henry:”

I don’t like no red-black woman Black myself, black myself

This sentiment is linked... (continuer)
I wanna jump the fence and wash my face in the creek
envoyé par Dq82 12/4/2019 - 11:34

Polly Ann's Hammer

Polly Ann's Hammer
Songs of our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways, 2019)

Amythyst Kiah, vocals and 5-string banjo;
Rhiannon Giddens, backing vocals and fiddle;
Jamie Dick, drums;
Dirk Powell, guitar;
Jason Sypher, bass

Per capire meglio in cosa consistano riappropriazione e rovesciamento di punti di vista, partiamo dagli stilemi folk di “Polly Ann’s Hammer” – guidata dal violino di Giddens – che riscrive il tradizionale “John Henry”, storica protest song sullo sfruttamento dei lavoratori, qui centrata sulla vedova di John, che appare nella parte finale della canzone originale («John Henry had a woman / Well her name was Polly Ann /Well John Henry took sick and he had to go to bed / Well and Polly drove steel like a man (well, well)/ Well and Polly drove steel like a man»). Nella riscrittura delle Daughters, Polly si appropria del martello con cui è stato ha ucciso il marito e ne fa un simbolo... (continuer)
John Henry had a woman
envoyé par Dq82 12/4/2019 - 11:23
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לֹא-יִשָּׂא גוֹי

Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
envoyé par Juha Rämö 11/4/2019 - 15:09

En sång till modet

En sång till modet
Erik Stinus (2004) / Roger Hinchliffe (2019)

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/4/2019 - 11:28

Trouble With Jesus

Trouble With Jesus
Broadside #97, March-April 1969

Ed. Note: Peter Irsay,who resembles the wanted man below,wrote this song when Dr. King was murdered. Peter is 22,was born in N.Y.C.,has been writing songs as long as he can remember. He is currently recording an L-P for Tetragrammaton.
All churchgoers and believers
10/4/2019 - 23:16

A Child of Our Time

A Child of Our Time
Oratorio laico in 3 parti e 30 brani
Libretto e musica di Sir Michael Tippett (1905-1998)
Prima esecuzione: Teatro Adelphi, Londra, 19 marzo 1944
Direttore: Walter Goehr

Secular oratorio in 3 parts and 30 pieces
Libretto and music by Sir Michael Tippett (1905-1998)
First execution: Adelphi Theatre, London, 19 March 1944
Director: Walter Goehr

Oratorio séculaire en 3 parties et 30 pièces
Textes et musique de Sir Michael Tippett (1905-1998)
Première exécution: Théâtre Adelphi, Londres, 19 mars 1944
Directeur: Walter Goehr

Maallinen oratorio 3 osassa ja 30 kappaleessa
Libretto ja sävel: Sir Michael Tippett (1905-1998)
Ensimmäinen juoksu: Adelphin Teatteri, Lontoo, 19. maaliskuuta 1944
Johtaja: Walter Goehr


A Child of Our Time è un oratorio laico del compositore inglese Michael Tippett (Londra, 2 gennaio 1905 - Londra, 8 gennaio 1998),... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/4/2019 - 09:02
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La chanson de Craonne

La chanson de Craonne
en.wikipedia : La chanson de Craonne

La Chanson de Craonne (English: The Song of Craonne) is an anti-military song of World War I written in 1917. The song was written to the tune of Bonsoir M'Amour (Charles Sablon), sung by Emma Liebel. It is sometimes known by the first line of the chorus, Adieu la vie (Goodbye to life).

This song was sung by the French soldiers who mutinied (in sixty eight of the one hundred and ten divisions of the French Army) after the costly and militarily disastrous offensive of General Robert Nivelle at the Chemin des Dames, spring 1917.

The song was prohibited in France until 1974. Even though an award of 1 million francs and the immediate honorable release from the army were offered for revealing the maker, the original author of the song remained unknown.

These revolts brought about severe reprimands, notably by General Philippe Pétain, who was named on 17... (continuer)
9/4/2019 - 05:06
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Scritta da Josh, Jake e Sam Kiszka e Danny Wagner
Da "Anthem of the Peaceful Army", album d'esordio della band "familiare" di Frankenmuth, Michigan.

Non che i Greta Van Fleet abbiano introdotto chissà quale innovazione nel panorama musicale di questi ultimi anni, anzi, sembrano proprio degli epigoni dei Led Zeppelin... Questa poi mi pare che plagi parecchio la famosirrima What's Up dei 4 Non Blondes... Però i Greta non se la cavano malaccio e questa canzone, forse un po' banalotta, come testo e come musica, è però in qualche modo una CCG/AWS...
With the news, there's something every day
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 7/4/2019 - 21:09

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