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Auteur Eval Herz

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The Calm Before The Storm

The Calm Before The Storm
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

This is a song I wrote some years ago about war being like domestic violence in a dysfunctional human family, and how this can only lead to meager survival in an unlivable world just preceding our extinction. A Dystopian Folk Rock original.

This is a song about the fate of the human family, and therefore the fate of humanity as a whole. It's only fate because of nurture so stop blaming nature and life when it is clearly society's fault! It's something we learned and therefore can be changed, prevented, but it's not because we can't - it's because we won't.
We're only waiting
envoyé par giorgio 6/6/2013 - 08:13

Red Light Hypostrict

Red Light Hypostrict
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

A very dark song inspired by the extreme essence of greed, the culture of poverty, found most often in neighborhoods inhabited by college students, yuppies, hookers and crackheads - and that's ONE neighborhood...

"This is a song I wrote while I was down and out, couch surfing, and while spending too much time observing the cold realities of life in the red light districts of South Federal Blvd. and East Colfax Ave. in Denver, Colorado, the "Queen City".
Why can't they understand that a strip club is about the last place I wanna' hear the name Jesus
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2013 - 09:07

Israeli Kafkaesque

Israeli Kafkaesque
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

Acoustic guitar & vox...
A song written in response to Israel's latest illegal war on the population of Gaza.
Palestine is now the 194th state as the UN overwhelmingly voted for their recognition.

Yours truly, Eval Herz, is a Jewish American. I wrote this song in response to the illegal Israeli siege of Gaza happening now, and especially the Kafkaesque "justification" Israel pushes on the hearts and minds of the world via their extraordinary propaganda power and their unjust influence with the USA. The USA supplies Israel with money to buy the USA's weapons, including "predator drones", and the USA uses its power via executive seat on the UN Security Council to condone Israel's doing to the Palestinians exactly what the Nazis did to us in Europe in the 1930s and 40s.

A ceasefire is not enough, Israel has committed these war crimes too... (continuer)
First I hit you in the face
envoyé par giorgio 26/5/2013 - 09:35
Downloadable! Video!

Just a Few Questions

Just a Few Questions
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff
Album: Disillusioning [2010]

A song about the legitimate questions rarely heard in mainstream media about all 9/11s. There was one in 1973 in Chile, one in 1988 in Haiti and more, and the song reflects on the war crimes and terror that always seem to follow these 9/11 tragedies..

"I wrote this song originally in 2002 and then revised it in 2009. The song was inspired by journalists like Greg Palast, Amy Goodman, John Pilger and Robert Fisk, as well as the documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, all of whom asked tough questions and did exhaustive investigations into not only 9/11 but the state terrorism that followed.

It is all too often we hear only about our own 9/11, however there were many 9/11s. There was 9/11/88 in Haiti, 9/11/90 in Guatemala, and 9/11/73 in Chile. In all of these the US spy agencies' allies in those countries committed atrocities,... (continuer)
Who's really running the country?
envoyé par giorgio 30/3/2012 - 16:07


Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

MSNBC promotes imperialist wars for GE !

MSNBC, owned by GE, is promoting insanity for imperial greed, as usual.
I literally wrote this song and recorded, mixed, and uploaded it within the last 15 minutes..
Rah Rah Rah for the home team [x3]
envoyé par giorgio 30/3/2012 - 14:27

To Afghan War Escalation We Say NO

To Afghan War Escalation We Say NO
"Pictures and footage, in this video, are all from my camera and they are from various anti-war demonstrations in recent months, held in Denver, Colorado in 2009. Some pictures are from an anti-war demonstration in 2005 (black & white).

The music is a little homemade improvised piece I call "Jamming with myself". To record the rhythm and lead guitar I actually placed my camera, switched to the audio feature, about a foot in front of my little practice amp. For the lead guitar wah sound I ran the signal through a Cry Baby wah pedal. Then I smoothed out the sound using the processing software on my laptop, added a little compression and reverb, then I composed the drums and bass using MIDI software instruments".
envoyé par giorgio 30/3/2012 - 13:30

Speaking Fantasy

Speaking Fantasy
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff
Album: Disillusioning

A strong song about cultural accumulation, forced assimilation, and the psychological warfare of colonialism.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs, the militia, the Smithsonian, the boarding schools, the Philadelphia exposition and Chicago World's Fair, and the society imposed by European occupiers of Turtle Island have almost completed that which created space for the behavior and ambitions of the German Nationalists during World Wars I and II, namely a holocaust.

Part of this has been a kind of psychological warfare that works to the effect of erasing the memory of entire populations, to recreate them as inevitably defeated and seemingly self-evident inferiors, thereby justifying visibly, though not morally nor factually, the existence of a created creed, ethnicity, and nationality we now identify as "American". It is as though... (continuer)
You speak.. -as though you exist
envoyé par giorgio 29/3/2012 - 15:15


Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

A song for the martyrs, including those who never got a silhouette, and those who never will.
Oh, – how I wish I was dead
envoyé par giorgio 29/3/2012 - 08:35

Century of the Living Dead

Century of the Living Dead
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

→ Singing austerity…
I am dead -yet I'm still living
envoyé par giorgio 28/3/2012 - 08:58

Inhume Weapons of War

Inhume Weapons of War
Music by Evan Herzoff

This is a minimalist composition made with MIDI and synth. To inhume weapons of war means to lay weapons of war to rest, to put them in the grave instead of people...
envoyé par giorgio 25/4/2011 - 20:27

We've Got Your Back

Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

A song for solidarity. Stop the war on workers!

"This is a very rough draft version of the latest song I've written. Literally I wrote it today. Feel free to cover it, sing it in picket lines, marches, rallies, sit-ins, etc. This is a union song for solidarity! The chords I use are simple G Major - D Major - C Major, 2/2 time. But by all means make the music however you like, variety and imagination are beautiful things".
Well you know all this Koch money - it stains the political scene
envoyé par giorgio 25/4/2011 - 20:13

Spare Change

Spare Change
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff
Album: Disillusioning

This is a song about the economy, politics, theories of social and political "change" and the legacy shared by Barack H. Obama and George W. Bush, the 44th and 43rd Presidents of the United States respectively. Bush set Obama up to offer 'change' and then not deliver, and thus we got "spare change" at best, while the principal remains unchanged and in the hands of those who did not produce it!
I don't know why
envoyé par giorgio 25/4/2011 - 08:50


Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

A song about executive cowardice…

Shabbat Shalom = Salam Alaikum

Kosher = Halal

Semite = Semite

Israel = Palestine

Government = Fear

Power = Divide and Conquer

Executive = Cowardice

Elected President = Broken Promises

Anarchy = Peace
President Obama, –when will you ever grow a spine?
envoyé par giorgio 24/4/2011 - 21:17


Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff
Album: Disillusioning

"I wrote this song in the days that followed the release of video taken aboard the Freedom Flotilla as the fleet that set off from Turkey attempting to deliver humanitarian aid to the residents of Gaza undergoing a blockade by Israeli. The video showed Israeli soldiers landing on the Mavi Marmara where they committed a massacre. The song is about a broader context though, and since I'm at least ethnically a Jew, an American Jew in fact, I wrote it from the viewpoint of a Jew in order to break through the barrier created by the myth of our supposed historically continuous abuse and oppression by other peoples. When will Israel ever allow us to be freed from the virtual prison created by this paranoid myth? Just look at how it compels us to behave toward our nearest ancestral relative, the Palestinians, as semitic as we are.... (continuer)
When Israel was in Egypt land he said let my people go
envoyé par giorgio 19/2/2011 - 10:00

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