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Auteur Mary Ocher

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Love Is Not a Place

Love Is Not a Place
EP: Power and Exclusion From Power

Inquisitive political artist, Mary Ocher returns with her first release in 5 years, which marks a year since the full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“Love is Not a Place” is an anti-nationalist hymn. The video features tongue-in-cheek socialist nostalgia, filmed in former east Berlin.

"Power and Exclusion from Power" EP continues exploring the narrative of power, which is an underlying thread in Ocher's writing, and much like “The West Against The People”, her last full length release, this collection too is accompanied by socio-political writing focusing on the Jewish-Ukranian artist's background.
Put your dreams on a shelf
5/3/2023 - 23:50

Across Red Lines

Across Red Lines
"Across Red Lines" is featured in the Faust Studio Sessions and Other Recordings 10", out on Klangbad/Sing A Song Fighter November 23, 2017.

Dedicated to all the women, men and children that made the ultimate sacrifice of leaving their home and risking their lives in hope for a better future.
I was born a stranger
5/3/2023 - 23:46
Downloadable! Video!

Creases of Your Skin

Creases of Your Skin
EP: Power and Exclusion From Power

This 4-song EP by the Russian-born experimental musician speaks out against totalitarian regimes and proceeds from the release support Ukrainians impacted by the war.

A Month of Protest: February
The creases of your skin
5/3/2023 - 23:41

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