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A Brand New Day

A Brand New Day
"A Brand New Day" is a song from the 1975 Broadway musical The Wiz written by American R&B singer–songwriter Luther Vandross. (In 1976 Vandross recorded a version of the song for his album "Luther," on Cotillion records.) In the play, the song is sung to celebrate because Dorothy has killed Evilene, the tyrannical wicked witch of the West. Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow sing the song with the newly freed Winkies, who were ruled and enslaved by Evilene. It was later featured in the 1978 film version, sung by cast members Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Nipsey Russell, and Ted Ross (credited as The Wiz Stars). Given the all-Black cast of The Wiz, the song's many references to freedom and new possibilities, (especially as sung by African American characters who had just been freed from enslavement) certainly invoked the struggles and history of Blacks in America.... (continuer)
Everybody look around
envoyé par Jon Doe 1/2/2014 - 04:47
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Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Written by Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio
Scritta da Bob Crewe e Bob Gaudio

Beh, tutte le canzoni d'amore sono certamente contro la guerra... Ma se questo sito ammettesse i post di canzoni d'amore tout court ne uscirebbe sicuramente un po' snaturato... Questo però è il più famoso fra i brani inclusi nella colonna sonora di un film che, insieme ad "Apocalypse Now" di Francis Ford Coppola e "Full Metal Jacket" di Stanley Kubrick, può essere a buon diritto considerato il più antimilitarista nella storia del cinema: "The Deer Hunter" (Il Cacciatore), di Michael Cimino (USA 1978)...

"...Ringrazio Dio di essere vivo
sei solo troppo bella per essere vera
non posso staccarti gli occhi di dosso..."

Can't Take My Eyes Off You, written by Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio, was a 1967 single by Frankie Valli. The song was among Valli's biggest hits, reaching #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and earning a... (continuer)
You're just too good to be true.
envoyé par Alessandro, the mp3's hunter 23/6/2006 - 22:24

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