Ho cercato i collegamenti a Eric Bogle

Trovate 6 canzoni

Çanakkale türküsü (anonimo) Downloadable! Video!
How Many More Willie McBrides? (Liza Mulholland) Downloadable!
The Army’s Appeal to Mothers (Glen Tomasetti) Video!
The Ballad of Bill White (Glen Tomasetti) Video!
Vladslo (Willem Vermandere) Video!
Waltzing my Timor (Richard Mills)

Trovate 2 versioni

The Green Fields Of France (No Man's Land) (Eric Bogle) Downloadable! Video!

"Willie McBride's Reply" - A parody of "The Green Fields of France" by Stephen L.Suffet.

Vernichtungsbefehl (Andries Bezuidenhout) Downloadable! Video!

Traduzione italiana integrale di Riccardo Venturi

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