
Las cosas que yo he visto

Dean Reed
Pagina della canzone con tutte le versioni

OriginaleLa versione originale inglese risalente al 1965, ignoro se sia...

Cuántas veces en mi vida
viendo pasar a la gente, me he preguntado
si soy de otro planeta o debí nacer
en otro momento
he visto un hombre fatigado, que por ser negro
no se le dio alojamiento
y he visto negar la comida
a un muchacho que hambriento
imploraba caridad.

Cuándo el mundo al fin segará
las flores que son del mal
y solo germine al sol de la Paz
lo que quiero sembrar, la verdad.

He visto a un hombre pobre
arrodillado ante un rico
y he visto asesinar a otro
por el solo delito de se extranjero
he oído a la gente gritar
que su Dios es el único que vale
y a un hombre matar, creyendo purificarse
¡Esos no lograrán la Paz de sus almas.

Cuándo el mundo al fin segará
las flores que son del mal
y solo germine al sol de la Paz
lo que quiero sembrar, la verdad.

Cuántos hay que al final morirán
sobre sus camas humildes, en sus chozas
miserables, sin dinero para comprar
ni siquiera el calmante que mitigue
sus dolores.
Verán un día mis ojos, disiparse las
tinieblas del odio, en una aurora prometida
sobre mi tierra del amor, la tierra...
donde yo debí nacer.

Cuándo el mundo al fin segará
las flores que son del mal
y solo germine al sol de la Paz
lo que quiero sembrar, la verdad.


So many times in my life
I look at my people and say
that I must be from another earth,
or at least from another day.

I've seen a man
because he was black
not be allowed to sleep,
and I've seen this man,
when he was hungry,
not be allowed to eat.

When will they learn
before they do harm
to search for the truth throughout,
and only through searching
this whole world o'er
will they find what the world is about.

I've seen a man,
because he was poor,
bow to another man,
and I've seen a man kill another
just because he was from another land.

I've seen men
who thought their god
was better than all the rest
kill a man just to save his soul -
I doubt if in peace they rest.

When will they learn
before they do harm
to search for the truth throughout,
and only through searching
this whole world o'er
will they find what the world is about.

I've seen many people with disease,
and many times death did come
just because the man was poor,
and the doctor he wouldn't come.

I hope before I leave this earth
that I'll be able to find
a land where the people love instead of hate,
a land that I can call mine.

When will they learn
before they do harm
to search for the truth throughout,
and only through searching
this whole world o'er
will they find what the world is about.

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