
Quand les cons sont braves

Georges Brassens
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Traduzione bretone / Breton translation / Traduction bretonne...
When the Fools are KindlyPa vez ar pennoù-klouk paotred vat
Without altogether being a complete imbecile,Hep bezañ un imbisil mat-echu a-grenn,
I’m not at all a thinker, a paragon, or a genius.n'em eus tra ennon eus ur prederour, ur marzh, ur penn-dreist.
But I’m not a bad bugger and I’m good-hearted,N'on ket ur paotr fall, koulskoude, hag em eus ur galon vat,
and at a pinch that makes up for lots.pezh a ra kempouez pe war-nes.
When the fools are kindlyPa vez paotred vat ar pennoù-klouk,
like me,eveldon,
like thee, [1]eveldout,
like us,eveldomp,
like you,eveldoc'h,
it’s no big problem.n'eo ket re c'hrevus.
When they commit,Pa gometont
permit themselve,pe en em lezont d'ober
silly mistakessotonioù,
and stupid nonsense,glepajoù,
and argue crazy rubbish,pe gollont o foell,
they don’t make real trouble for reont gaou da zen.
Unhappily in this worldDre valeur er bed-mañ
three quartersan trifarzh
of the nutcaseseus ar pennoù-skañv
are very bad'zo tud
sectairean jackasses.morjined berr-speredet.
They get worked up,Fiñval-difiñval a reont,
they get excited,ha birvilh,
they strive,ha trabasat,
they deployha displeg
their zeal all over,o strivoù tro-war-dro,
and they make trouble for everyone in the world.hag amerdiñ an holl.
If sir X was an ordinary underling,Mar befe an Aotrou X un den a vicher boutin,
he would live an uneventful life with others of his kind.e vevfe didrabas e-touez e geneiled.
But alas! He’s a party chief, the brute :Met siwazh! E penn ur gostezenn emañ, an aneval outañ.
when he lets rip, it’s really bad!Pa drevari, fall eo ar jeu.
When the fools are kindlyPa vez paotred vat ar pennoù-klouk,
like me,eveldon,
like thee,eveldout,
like us,eveldomp,
like you,eveldoc'h,
it’s no big problem.n'eo ket re c'hrevus.
When they commit,Pa gometont
permit themselve,pe en em lezont d'ober
silly mistakessotonioù,
and stupid nonsense,glepajoù,
and argue crazy rubbish,pe gollont o foell,
they don’t make real trouble for reont gaou da zen.
Unhappily in this worldDre valeur er bed-mañ
three quartersan trifarzh
of the nutcaseseus ar pennoù-skañv
are very bad'zo tud
sectairean jackasses.morjined berr-speredet.
They get worked up,Fiñval-difiñval a reont,
they get excited,ha birvilh,
they strive,ha trabasat,
they deployha displeg
their zeal all over,o strivoù tro-war-dro,
and they make trouble for everyone in the world.hag amerdiñ an holl.
If sir Z was a credulous twit with no rank,Mar befe an Aotrou Z un abostol eeunek hep galloud,
he would leave his poor comrades in peace.e lezfe e peoc'h e baour-kaezh keneiled.
But he’s a general, a war-monger, a blusterer.Met ur jeneral eo-eñ, ur c'hwezher brezel, ur brabañser;
As soon as he gets involved, we start counting the dead.Kerkent hag en em emell, ret eo niveriñ ar re varv.
When the fools are kindlyPa vez paotred vat ar pennoù-klouk,
like me,eveldon,
like thee,eveldout,
like us,eveldomp,
like you,eveldoc'h,
it’s no big problem.n'eo ket re c'hrevus.
When they commit,Pa gometont
permit themselve,pe en em lezont d'ober
silly mistakessotonioù,
and stupid nonsense,glepajoù,
and argue crazy rubbish,pe gollont o foell,
they don’t make real trouble for reont gaou da zen.
Unhappily in this worldDre valeur er bed-mañ
three quartersan trifarzh
of the nutcaseseus ar pennoù-skañv
are very bad'zo tud
sectairean jackasses.morjined berr-speredet.
They get worked up,Fiñval-difiñval a reont,
they get excited,ha birvilh,
they strive,ha trabasat,
they deployha displeg
their zeal all over,o strivoù tro-war-dro,
and they make trouble for everyone in the world.hag amerdiñ an holl.
My God, forgive me if my sentiments annoy you,Ma Doue, pardonit mar sav ma c'homzoù imor ennoc'h:
in labelling motherfuckers clealy as bastards,dre lakaat bailhed e-barzh lêroù pennoù-buoc'h,41
in mixing the types, you have made of the earthdre gemmeskañ ar rummadoù tud hoc'h eus graet eus ar bed
what it is: a bedlam!ar pezh e vez: ur gerdrabas.
When the fools are kindlyPa vez paotred vat ar pennoù-klouk,
like me,eveldon,
like thee1,eveldout,
like us,eveldomp,
like you,eveldoc'h,
it’s no big problem.n'eo ket re c'hrevus.
When they commit,Pa gometont
permit themselve,pe en em lezont d'ober
silly mistakessotonioù,
and stupid nonsense,glepajoù,
and argue crazy rubbish,pe gollont o foell,
they don’t make real trouble for reont gaou da zen.
Unhappily in this worldDre valeur er bed-mañ
three quartersan trifarzh
of the nutcaseseus ar pennoù-skañv
are very bad'zo tud
sectairean jackasses.morjined berr-speredet.
They get worked up,Fiñval-difiñval a reont,
they get excited,ha birvilh,
they strive,ha trabasat,
they deployha displeg
their zeal all over,o strivoù tro-war-dro,
and they make trouble for everyone in the world.hag amerdiñ an holl.
[1] Translating a sentence containing both “toi” and “vous” into modern English is problematic, so I’m lazy and use the outdated “thou/thee” in that situation. [Tom Thomson's original note]

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