

Lingua: Inglese


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I Girlyman: Doris Muramatsu, Nate Borofsky e Ty Greenstein.
I Girlyman: Doris Muramatsu, Nate Borofsky e Ty Greenstein.
At the embassy in Saigon
Burning papers on the lawn
Our great escape was grand
Sleight of hand and we got away
The soldiers fight today
Far away
In a land far away

In Panama we checked our notes
Children and goats got in our way
So finally we pushed on through
And yes, we blew them all away
The soldiers fight today
Far away
In a land far away

Tell me, tell me
Will it hold the hounds at bay?
Is brute force our course
Or is it bound to fade away?

If murder's all the same
By any name you choose to say
Then freedom's purchased with a gun
Number one in the U.S.A.
The soldiers fight today
Far away
In a land far away

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 30/12/2006 - 14:56

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