

Fatoumata Diawara
Langue: bambara

Fatoumata Diawara

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Bonya significa rispetto. Respect - R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Mettiamo da parte le nostre differenze per un mondo di solidarietà e di pace.

Come spesso succede le parole in bambara sono per ora irreperibili e dobbiamo accontentarci della traduzione inglese da Sacks & Co.

23/9/2018 - 21:45

Langue: anglais

Traduzione inglese da Sacks & Co. e dal sito ufficiale

In everything we do daily, we should show respect to others.
We can enjoy life in community without having to hurt, slander or humiliate others.
On the contrary, we should always show them respect and avoid hurting their feelings in any way.

Let’s show each other respect at work
We should show respect while having fun
When youngsters play together
They should do it with respect for each other
When children play together
They should respect one another

Let’s respect each other; let’s respect each other

A relationship does not work without respect
We should show respect while having fun
When children play together
They should respect one another
When youngsters play together
They should do it with respect for each other

There are so many countries….
Let’s not make other people cry

Let’s respect each other; let’s respect each other

23/9/2018 - 21:46

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