

Langue: anglais


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The day has come, the time is near
For all to end. It's true, it's here
It's all over now, no way to stop
The button's been pushed, the bomb's been dropped

The city is melting, the sky burns red
The ocean is boiling, we'll soon be dead

Death has come knocking, the door's open wide
He's let himself in, no place to hide
A tidal wave of power coming over the hill
A great well of thunder swooping down for the kill

Leveling, destroying everything in its path
Just seconds left now 'til we feel its wrath
The city is melting, the sky burns red
The ocean is boiling, we'll soon be dead

People run rabid from the great blast
The beast is upon us, it's here at last
The streets echo screams filled with fear
All through the universe, but no one will hear!

The city is melting, the sky burns red
The ocean is boiling, we'll soon be dead
Leveling, destroying everything in it's path
Seconds now 'til we feel its wrath

envoyé par SamuraiMaster - 23/6/2011 - 20:25

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