The Irish Balladeers comprise the three Roger brothers, Chuck, Bob and John and their brother-in-law Ted Andrews. Accompanying them on the accordion is their father Charles, Sr., and on banjo and guitar Eddie Lennihan popular Scranton musician.
Born into both an Irish and mining family it was only natural that they grew up on a diet of Irish songs and music, as well as the folk songs of the mining area. One of the first songs Chuck remembers singing as a boy was Kevin Barry. As youngsters they had done most things together, as brothers often do, and singing was one of them. With their father playing the Irish style accordion it was a happy musical household. When Bob got out of the Navy, he came home with a guitar, and with Chuck playing the harmonica and John on tambourine, away they went. When Ted Andrews joined the family, it was only natural that he follow suit. The boys enjoyed it immensely with no thought of joining the professional ranks. But one thing led to another and they found that the songs and their style were well received. Engagements came one after the other and they found themselves in show business.
A friend brought the boys to our attention and they submitted an audition tape. We were very impressed. About this time, much publicity was being given to the saga of The Molly Maguires and Chuck felt a recording of the songs of those times would be welcomed. This recording is the result of all our endeavors. We enjoyed doing it and we know you'll enjoy listening to it.