The Hillbilly Democrats are a Protest music Duo from Alabama, York Taylor & Skiffy Flippo, deep in Red state territory. Consertive Democrats who think modern Republicans are false patriots who pretend to love America but only love money and people who have it.
They don't hold back with their lyric or music. They are true freedom loving consertives, the present Republicans are Fascist!
Nobody slings mud with class like the Hillbilly Democrats.
Now in our 50's and growing up facing the Viet Nam war this hard rock project was aimed at young voters now facing the same thing we faced, an unjust war.
"We see the Republicans in power much like the fascist in Eastern Europe in the 60's and 70's they never vote against the party. Their agree with us or else approach is not the Real American way.
Skiff and I first started playing together about 1971 but this project started in August 04' when we thought there was no chance of a Republican being elected after the flawed 2000' appointment.
Alas the songs are good for "four more years".
Being in our 50's we have tons of new and vintage equipment a state of the arts recording studio and talent that has been festering for 35 years.

If you like Controversial Music You need to check out these songs! Hillbilly Metal, Folk Rock, Political Rock, Alt. Country, and Southern Rock. None or all of these we're hard to fit.