
Dixebra es un grupo de Rock procedente de Avilés, ciudad de Asturias, territorio al norte de España. Realizan una música de estilo rock, mezclado con diversos géneros entre los que destacan el ska o el folk asturiano, utilizando ritmos de todo tipo e incorporando a los instrumentos básicos de un grupo de rock una gran diversidad de instrumentos, principalmente la gaita asturiana, la trompeta, el saxofón y sonidos electrónicos. Cantan todas sus canciones en lengua asturiana.


Dixebra is a rock band from Asturias, Spain.

Dixebra was founded in 1987 in the Asturian city of Avilés with the idea of creating a rock band that would use the Asturian language in their lyrics with the aim of creating music that reflects the multiple realities of the country. The word dixebra is an Asturian word meaning division, isolation, independence... It has been traditionally used in the political rhetoric of Asturian nationalism. The band has a unique style, based on rock but mixing influences from a variety of modern genres (punk, reggae, ska, hip hop, funk...) and Asturian folk music.