Waayaha Cusub

Canzoni contro la guerra di Waayaha Cusub


waxaa la aasaasay koxda dhalinta waayaha cusub 10/6/2004 waxa lagu aasaasay xafada islii fikradada kooxada waa leh shiine waxa si wada jira u ansixiyay oo ku raacay dhamaan dhalinta w.c oo iskugu jira gabdho iyo wiilal
Magac u bixin

Magaca kooxda ayaa lagu xushay magacyo fara badan iyadoo loo arkayay inuu yahay magac u qalma dhalinta horay ayaa loo yiri waqti waliba qoomkiis magaca Waayaha cusub waxaa soo bandhigay Aasaasaha kooxda, shiine waxaana si wada jira u ansixiyay dhalinta Waayaha cusub,
Calaamada kooxda

Calaamada kooxda ayaa ah Qorax soo baxaysa aroor hore kana soo dul baxaysa Bad waxana ku dhex qoran W.C oo ah caalamada loo isticmaalo qoraalada waxaa soo hindisay calamada oo soo bandhigay Dalmar wada jir ayana loo ansixiyay

Ujeedada loo aasaasay Dhalinta Waayaha cusub ayaa leh dhowr u jeedo oo kala ah

* Wacyigalinta & Dhiiri galinta Baraarujinta Bulshada Soomaliyeed iyadoo laga anba qaadayo dhamaan arimaha Bulshada Sida ..NABADA, CAFIMAADKA, {H.I.V AIDSka} GUDNIINKA, FIRCOONIGA, WAXBARASHADA, SPORTIGA,IYO KOR U QAADIDA TAYADA DHALINTA SOOMALIYEED
* HORMARINTA IYO CASRIYAYNTA FANKA SOOMALIYEED madaama uu xiligaan uu marayo xili kala guura



I like and hanker for the Somali Music very much. The Somali Nation is a nation of poetry and of wealth of musical uniqueness with a melody that fills the air with a sense of originality. However, the Somali music seems to be declining with everything moving backwards; there are a lot of overseas-based so-called Somali singers who copy the old songs from 1970s and 1980s and you don’t see any other Somali singers emerging to create new music for the Somali people worldwide to enjoy.

Nevertheless, Waayaha Cusub, young Somali band based in Kenya are enjoying nowadays the spotlight of the international media. This band of Waayaha Cusub is very different in many dimensions as to the ways they conduct their music quests; they sing about the war in Somalia and other issues considered as taboo in Somali Culture such as HIV/AIDS while member girls of the band wear trousers and their hair is uncovered (such behaviors are not easily welcome by the majority of the Somali People who are Muslims.)

Waayaha Cusub consists of 11 Somali refugees based in Nairobi, Kenya. The band says they were 20 people when they started off, but some members fled from Kenya fearing being attacked by Somali conservatives who hate the kind of the music the band produces. For example, her family molested Jamila, a female member of the band, because they disapproved of the band and her membership in it. Jamila has a large scar on her cheek now as a result. In other words, some Somalians believe Waayaha Cusub erodes the Somali music and culture with their music, which is greatly influenced by the Western Music.

When I watched their videos and examined their music, I couldn’t stop myself from expressing the opinion that the band is changing the Somali music into something that can be compatible with the American Rap Music while following the less traveled path of creativity without respecting the Infinity of Innovation; their music is full of paradox, which elusively escapes the evaluation of the person observing. The question is, if there is no anyone else coming up with any new music, let the Waayaha Cusub have their songs in their ways! Let them rule the realm of the Somali Music!
Video Link To Waayaha Cusub Click Here

Posted by AbdiNassir at 6:02 AM

Labels: Canada, Ethiopia, Finland, Holland, Kenya, music, Puntland, Somali Music, Somalia, somaliland, Sweden, UK, USA, Waayaha Cusub


a camel herder's daughter said...

I beg to differ. Now, I have no problems with W.C producing their stuff, but I truly hope the somali musical genre, won't take the same path. W.C is greatly influenced by Western, mainstream, music. I wish they'd embrace their roots, instead of jamming like Ludacris and Lauryn.

Somali music died with the fall of our nation, I've still to see a new group à la 'waaberi'.

Well, I do still prefer somali poetry over somali music.
