Robert Gsons, Halmstad, Halland, Sweden

Robert Gunnarsson is a singer and songwriter in the changre of pop, rock, country and swedish folkmusic. Robert Gunnarsson leads the musical projects ARIMIR; members Jimmi and Elin Fisher and FLUM; members Ronny Johansson, Tapani Siirtola and Bengt Johansson.

“Hi, Now I’m 65 and re-tired. It's really great a major lifechange. Born in 49 3 sibblings one mother one father one cat named Jacob. Best friend Margaret. Been in gospell choir for 8 years and with West coast ukulele in 4 years So much freedom. I stopped playing with the band and sing with the Gospel Choir and write Music I like it like that. The gospel Choir will participate round Xmas with 4 songs on national Swedish TV. Thats really exciting. So the autumn will bee full of events. We have had some warm and wonderful Days here in Sweden but now things seems to get back to normal that is rain and a Little bit colder. Got lot of things waiting in the garden to been taken care of.
Robert Gsons is an old Beatles’ fan ...
I was teenager when Beatles had their break. The first song I heard was Twist and Shout and I was just jumping (up and down :)" being hilarious and euforic. Beatles influenced me the most but there were other groups coming from England on the Beatles wave. In Sweden many groups was started more or less skillful but very happy and creative. I'm thankful for being a part of this history.

Your musical influences
Please check out these pages for more info.

What equipment do you use?
“I recorded these songs with my Epiphone les Paul and also on my Fender ST. Bass is played on a Danelectro bass. Keyboards on Alesis QuadraSynth I use it to play the drums and violins and other instruments. Additional keyboard is KORG. Vocals on Neuman vocalist microphone and also MXL. On some tracks I played mandolin and ukulele (tenor and sopran)”.

I was teenager when Beatles had their break. The first song I Heard was Twist and Shout and I was just jumping (up and down :)" being hilarious and euforic. Beatles influenced me the most but there were other Groups coming from England on the Beatles wave. In Sweden many Groups was started more or less skillful but very happy and creative. I'm thankful for being a part of this history”.